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Shared Parenting and Child Custody in Covid-19 Crisis

With the coronavirus pandemic parents are encountering a lot of question, especially those who are divorced or have shared custody. Many parents are concerned about how to abide by the co-parenting agreement and custodial agreement. How can you successfully come over the crisis of this pandemic? How should you maintain the custody agreement? See here what a family law attorney suggests.

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Why to Sell Your House After a Divorce?

Taking the decision to end the marriage is not a very easy one. When you and your spouse have decided on it, you need to take care of a lot of things and bring on the table. One of such concerns is whether or not you should bring your home for sell. It is a situational decision on your part when you aim to go for a divorce. However, a lot of legal proceedings also fall under the decision that you need to follow and come to a mutual decision.

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What Personal Injury Claim Is All About?

The claims of a personal injury case are associated with negligence done by a person to another. When a person is harmed due to any wrongdoing of any other person, then he/she might file a case by hiring a personal injury attorney. The person who filed the case can hold the person accountable for the injury or other harm. Read to learn what type of claims can be made in this case.

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How to Challenge Breathalyzer Test Results?

If you are charged for DUI or Driving Under Influence and your BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration is over the registered amount i.e. 0.8%, do not think this is an open-and-shut case for the prosecution. You so still have hopes to come out of the charges and drive again. You can challenge the breathalyzer reading and your criminal defense attorney will help you in that. If the tests are not trustworthy, they cannot be produced in the court against you.

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Do You Need Criminal Lawyers (infographic)

Do you need a criminal defense lawyer? If you are wrongly charged for DUI or property related crimes – you should hire an attorney. Accused in juvenile crime, drug dealing or other abusive cases – you must hire an attorney. An attorney will help you to come out of the charges. See this infographic to learn when you can hire an attorney.

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When Can Grandparent Seek Custodial Rights?

Generally, parents have the legal right of guardianship for the children and to decide what is best for them. When a third party like grand parents are involved in child custody and seek it, the court may balance the parents’ rights for the best interest of the child. If grandparents think children will live a better life under their custody, they can appeal.

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Causes and Aftermath of Mistrials in Court

There are lots of complications associated with court cases. Some of the cases can also cause a mistrial due to several reasons. Mistrial is a very common thing in court. However, it brings several problems to the party who is involved. If you face any such mistrial issue in the court, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney in that case. Before knowing in detail, let us know what mistrial is.

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Divorce Affects Children’s Education- Researches Say

Divorce is a very critical phase of life for both husbands and wives, and also their kids. Most of the spouses often forget that their kids are adversely affected with the divorce process. They get emotionally distracted when they see their parents are getting separated. The hard decision of choosing one of them has to be made by your kids. The rules and regulations of child custody are complicated, therefore, you need a family attorney to deal with the process.

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How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You to Avoid Fraudulent

Every day there are so many crimes that not all can be brought to your attention. It is, therefore, safe to assume that crime takes place not only in person.

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How House Burn Accidents Can Lead to Death?

If your house catches fire, you can leave your house within three minutes or less. Compared to decades ago, it is much less time. That is because today furnishings and other equipment in your home are updated, and these elements burn quicker. In a matter of five minutes, a fire could destroy your home completely. You might be hurt by burns from several sources if you get trapped in your house. You may need a personal injury attorney in OKC if any such incident takes place.

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